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A Little About Us

Hello! My name is Sabrina, the founder of Wisdom Home & Skin Care. We are glad that you are here. We are hard at work finishing this website so that you can get the safe, non-toxic skincare that you and your family deserve. I started this brand to help my toddler get relief from her eczema. Tallow balms were the first thing that I made, and when I saw the difference it made in her skin, I knew this was something that could benefit so many people, including myself. (I use it every day for my face moisturizer). Our tallow balms are safe for everyday use, and for anywhere on the skin. We also have a few other products you will be able to choose from, and everything we make is safe, non-toxic, chemical free, made with the natural ingredients that God gave us.

Please keep checking back, and spread the word. We plan on launching our website well before the end of January. In the meantime, enter your email below to enter a chance to win a free 2oz tallow balm and lip balm. We will also send out an email once we officially open. Thank you so much for being here.



1 Corinthians 1:30

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